Untitled Design (82)

Temp Zone

We have put together this information fact sheet to help you in your new role and to endeavour to answer any questions you may have, if you still have any queries please do not hesitate to contact your consultant.

Why temp?

Undertaking temporary assignments is a useful way to gain experience within a number of working environments and could be the step into gaining permanent employment!

  1. Our expectations of you

  2. Completing a timesheet and Payroll

  3. Holiday entitlement

  4. If you are offered a permanent job

Our expectations of you

During your assignments you are representing Compass Point Recruitment and so you must conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times.

If you are made aware of sensitive information as part of your role, please keep this to yourself and do not share outside of the business.

When you are at work please do not use the internet, or send/check personal e-mails unless this has been authorised by the client.

Please ensure your mobile phone is switched off or on silent and do not make/take personal calls or text messages during working hours.

In the job confirmation letter we send you, you will have been advised of the dress code for our client, please ensure you adhere to this at all times.

If you are unwell please ensure you call the CPR offices at 8.30am to let us know as early as possible. Please do not email us as this may cause a delay. If you are happy to, you are welcome to contact the client you are working for before you call us, or just call us and we will ensure they are made aware of your absence.

Completing a Candidate GDPR Consent Form

Download your timesheet here:

It's important that you complete a Candidate GDPR Consent form so we can retain your CV and data on our CRM database which allows us to continue working with you & provide our recruitment services and comply with GDPR regulations of data processing.

Completing a timesheet and Payroll

Download your timesheet here:

New timesheet.docx

Size: 105 KB

Your consultant will issue you with a timesheet attached to your temp confirmation letter

  • Enter your start and end time for each day ensuring you record your lunch break (at least a 20 minute break is required for every 6 hours worked)

  • Record your hours worked to the nearest quarter hour

  • Record any AGREED overtime separately in the appropriately marked column on the timesheet

  • At the bottom of the timesheet add up all your hours worked

  • Ask the client to sign and authorise your hours, we can’t pay you until we have received a signed timesheet

  • Send a scanned copy to us by email to team@compasspoint.co.uk 


We can’t guarantee that we will chase for it if we haven’t received it by the deadline.

You will be paid weekly, one week in arrears on a Friday. Payment will be made straight into your bank/building society account.

Your wages will be subject to the relevant PAYE deductions – National Insurance contributions and Income Tax and also any other legal deductions we are required to make.

Your payslip will be sent to you via email each week.

Holiday Entitlement

Download your Holiday Request Form here:

Holiday request form.docx

Size: 96.1 KB

You will accrue holiday pay in proportion to the amount of time worked during the year. Currently you are entitled to 28 days paid annual leave per year pro-rata which is in accordance with the statutory minimum outlined by the Agency Working Time Regulations.

You will accrue annual leave in proportion to the amount of time worked during the leave year. When you wish to take annual leave during the course of an assignment, you will need to submit a holiday form to us, giving us a week’s notice for one day off and a month’s notice for a week or more. You will need to get your annual leave authorised by the client before you submit your holiday form to us. Public holidays are paid to you automatically.

If you are offered a permanent job

Your temporary role may lead to you getting a permanent job. If you are spoken to directly by the client about a permanent role, please inform your consultant as soon as possible and they will assist you.

Completing an Interview registration form

Download the candidate registration here:

GDPR Registration Form Online.docx

Size: 118 KB

If you have any queries or concerns

Compass Point Recruitment and your Consultant are here to support you so if you have any concerns, please contact your Consultant asap.

Wherever possible your consultant will try and match you to the right culture with the client, if in the rare circumstances you aren’t happy we require one week’s notice should you wish to leave your role.

If you have any questions that have not been are not answered, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01284 765700.