Summer is upon us, even if it doesn’t always feel like it with the UK weather!
This means summer holidays and the chance to escape the rain and head for warmer climates.
Whilst this is a time that we all look forward to, it can be a headache for employers who need to cover the workload during holiday season.
This is where the value of temps comes into its own!
The advantages for employers of using summer temps are clear – and we will go on to talk about this in more detail in future blogs, but what are the advantages for you working as a temp during your summer break?
- Flexible working, fitting around travel and personal commitments
- A back up plan to keep earning whilst in between permanent roles
- The opportunity to go permanent whilst in a temporary role
- Access to internal jobs before they go external
- Developing your skills and experience, and especially if the placement is relevant to your studies (it will set you apart from other graduates when you have completed your degree)
- Agency Worker Regulations – after 12 weeks you gain the same rights as a permanent employee with the flexibility of temping!
- Earning money in the summer helps with student finances!
- Getting paid for any holiday accrued
- Demonstrating that you have the right mind set needed for the ‘world of work’ for example a willingness and commitment to work, being present daily and gaining a valuable work reference – to name a few!
- The opportunity to work within different industries and expand your chosen industry knowledge
- Builds important contacts and networks
In addition to all these benefits, we also outsource our temp payroll to a company who are able to offer numerous additional benefits for example discounts at various retailers including Debenhams, Boots and Sainsbury’s, discounts on days out and various insurances. Call our team for more information and to register as one of our temps today!